Welcome to
Marty Maloney,
Mayor, City of Park Ridge
"People want to be in Park Ridge"
Speaking in the video is our Director of Community Preservation and Development, Drew Awsumb. He is summarizing the construction (both residential and commercial) that took place in Park Ridge over 2024.
Overview of Accomplishments from the last 10 years
No property tax increase from the City of Park Ridge
consecutively for four years in a row.
Total City Tax Levy
-Total amount the City levied in 2014 was $16,870,555.
-Total amount the City levied in 2023 was $14,429,845.
Sales Tax Increases over the last ten years
-Fiscal Year 2025 sales tax is forecasted at $6,560,000 and home rule sales tax is forecasted at $3,147,000. This reflects an increase of approximately 2.5% in both state sales tax and home rule sales tax as compared to FY2024 projected actuals.
Compared to our numbers ten years ago, this reflects an increase of over $2,000,000 for the state sales tax and $1,400,000 for the home rule tax, which can be attributed to the tremendous growth we have seen in our business districts that has made Park Ridge the envy of our neighbors and a true destination place to live, work, and play!
Bond rating ten years ago to now
-The City carried an Aa1 rating which was downgraded to an Aa2 in 2012 with a negative outlook. The downgrade and negative outlook had much to do with the health of the Uptown TIF and lack of liquidity in the General Fund. The negative outlook was removed during FY2017 and the credit rating was raised to Aa1 in 2024.
Flood reduction projects in the last ten years:
-Marvin Parkway detention vault (grant funded) constructed
-Ongoing sewer lining, sewer jetting, root cutting
-Permeable alleys constructed and designed
-Permeable parking lot completed at the library lot
-Burton/Fenton/Vernon relief sewer network constructed
-10 other large-scale relief sewer projects
-Mayfield Estates property purchased for pump station,
construction to begin in 2025
Major streets resurfaced in conjunction with the State of Illinois
-Touhy resurfaced
-NW Hwy resurfaced
-Most of Dee Road resurfaced
-Most of Higgins resurfaced
-Devon resurfaced
-Talcott resurfaced
-Oakton resurfaced
-We are at our highest number of parkway trees in history through our tree planting replacement schedule. Removals are down and we continue our injection and pruning programs to protect our healthy canopy.
% public safety pensions were funded in 2015 vs. now
-The police pension was funded at 70.05% and the fire pension was funded at 74.87% as of December 31, 2023. These are up from 62.6% and 67.4%, respectively, as of April 30, 2013.
Streetscaping Projects
-Primarily through grant funding we have completed the Northwest Highway, Prospect, and Summit streetscaping projects.
Additional Innovative Accomplishments
-Alley paving program restarted
-Creation of the Bike Task Force
–Adoption of the City's Bike Plan
-Creation of the Sustainability Task Force
– Adoption of the City's Sustainability Plan
-Creation of the Sustainability Commission
-New bike lanes to be implemented on Busse Highway as well as on Church Street in 2025.
-Sharrows (painted designations on the roadway to improve cyclist and driver safety) implemented in several locations throughout Park Ridge to improve safety and visibility of our biking community